Support Group meetings will be for all People with Parkinson’s (PwPs), including the Newly-Diagnosed, Young Onset, those having undergone Deep Brain Surgery (DBS), Care Partners, Family Members, Friends, Physicians, Clinicians, and Administrators. Attendees are not required to have any affiliation with HMH or JFK – ALL ARE WELCOME! WHEN ARE THE MEETINGS? Support Group meetings will be announced in our newsletters and on the JFKPDAdvocate website. Unless otherwise noted, they take place on the 3rd and 4th Mondays of each month at 4:05 pm, following Aly Chananie’s LOUD CROWD. Meetings for Newly-Diagnosed/Young Onset generally take place on Thursdays at 5:00 pm. Dates and times are subject to change, so keep an eye out for your PDUpdates. VENUE – All Support Group meetings will take place via ZOOM until such time as HMH JFK determines that it is once again safe to conduct its meetings IN PERSON at JFK University Medical Center. At that time the meetings will be HYBRID so that it is possible for all attendees–regardless of distance or other challenges–to continue to sit in on the meetings. MAILING LIST & NEWSLETTERS – If you wish to be added to our email listing, simply send an email to You will be provided with your own copy of our Newsletter (PDUpdates) as a blind copy to afford you privacy. You may opt out at any time.

Support Group meetings will be announced in our newsletters. Unless otherwise noted, they take place on the 3rd and 4th Mondays of each month at 4:05 pm, following Aly Chananie’s LOUD CROWD. Meetings for Newly-Diagnosed/Young Onset generally take place on Thursdays at 5:00 pm. Dates and times are subject to change, so keep an eye out for your PDUpdates.

All Support Group meetings will take place via ZOOM until such time as HMH JFK determines that it is once again safe to conduct its meetings IN PERSON at JFK University Medical Center. At that time the meetings will be HYBRID so that it is possible for all attendees–regardless of distance or other challenges–to continue to sit in on the meetings.

The ZOOM LINK will be: